Accepted payment methods
- Payment by PayPal
- Payment by PayPal (credit card, direct debit, invoice if applicable)
- Payment by Giropay (via PayPal)
- Payment by SOFORT (via PayPal)
- Payment by invoice (via Klarna)
- Payment by installment purchase (via Klarna)
- Payment by Sofortüberweisung (via Klarna)
- Payment by direct debit (via Klarna)
- Payment by credit card (via Klarna)
More details on payment
In the case of payment by SEPA basic direct debit or by SEPA company direct debit, you authorise us by issuing a corresponding SEPA
Mandate to collect the invoice amount from the specified account. You will receive a pre-notification at least 5 days before the date of direct debit. Please note that you are obliged to ensure sufficient funds for the account on the announced date.
If you have any questions, you will find our contact details in the imprint